主頁 類別 寓言童話 寄往遠方的藍煙火

第6章 我的小鳥

寄往遠方的藍煙火 漪然 3438 2018-03-22
我的小鳥兒,忽然飛走了…… “月亮,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。像小星星一樣,亮晶晶的眼睛,眨個不停。” “沒有,我看見一顆流星落向了大地,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “太陽,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。像金絲桃一樣,淺黃色的翅膀,閃閃發亮。” “沒有,我看見風吹散了金絲桃的花瓣,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “大風,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。像銀鈴鐺一樣,會唱好聽的歌謠,還會把頭搖。” “沒有,我看見一個腳尖上掛著鈴鐺的小丑在屋頂上倒立,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “烏雲,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。牠喜歡在雨點下面蹦跳,還會啄帶著水珠的小草。”

“沒有,我看見雨水匯成的小河正在跳舞,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “彩虹,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。牠喜歡和我一起躺在藍天下面,聽著風吹過麥田。” “沒有,我看見麥田裡飛起了一群彩色的烏鴉,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “大樹,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。牠喜歡我抱著它,在樹蔭下盪鞦韆。” “沒有,我看見一群小精靈在我的影子裡飛來飛去,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “池塘,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。它常常站在睡蓮的葉子上,嚇唬水底下的小魚。” “沒有,我看見一隻青蛙在睡蓮旁邊釣魚,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “大海,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。它常常在一隻貝殼杯子裡喝水,它的被子上印著海葵。”

“沒有,我看見一隊海馬駕著貝殼做的馬車跑過,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “小島,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。牠吃完自己的晚飯,眼睛總是望著西邊。” “沒有,我看見西邊一隻風箏升起又落下,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “高塔,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。它很怕黑,每天晚上都要亮著燈才肯睡。” “沒有,我看見一艘掛滿燈籠的龍船從雲中駛過,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “落葉,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。它走起路有點一瘸一拐,一隻腳還繫著一根紅色絲帶。” “沒有,我看見一條紅絲帶在最高的樹枝上飄揚,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “雪人,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。它的胸膛白得像雪花,暖得就像我們的家。”

“沒有,我看見兩隻鼴鼠在白雪下生火煮茶,可是我沒有見過你的小鳥。” “大鳥,你有沒有見過我的小鳥?它很小,很小。它看起來就像你一樣,只是沒有你那麼高大強壯。” “沒有,我只看見冰面上我們倆的倒影,你看見了嗎?——我就是你的小鳥。” My little bird,once flew away from me. Hi moon,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.his eyes are shining and wondering,just as the little stars. No,No.Ive seen a star falling to the earth,but Ive never seen your little bird.

Hi sun,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.his wings are light and bright,just as the Hypericum chinense flowers. No,No.Ive seen the wind blowing on the flower flakes,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi wind,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he can sing nice song and noddle his head,just as the silver bell.

No,No.Ive seen the wind blowing on the flower flakes,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi cloud,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he like to jump under the rain and peck the grass with the rain drop. No,No.Ive seen the rain dancing to become the stream,but Ive never seen your little bird.

Hi rainbow,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he like to lie under the blue sky with me, and listen to the wind passing the cornfield. No,No.Ive seen a row of color crows flying from the cornfield,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi tree,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he like to be hold in my arms, and having a swing in the trees shadow.

No,No.Ive seen a crowd of fairy playing in my shadow to and fro,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi pond,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he sometimes stand on the leaf of water lily, and frightening the fish under the ripple. No,No.Ive seen a frog fishing by the water lily,but Ive never seen your little bird.

Hi sea,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he sometimes drink in a shell cup, and he draws anemone on his quilt. No,No.Ive seen a shell carriage runing with a flock of seahorse,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi island,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he always look at the west after his supper time.

No,No.Ive seen a kite rise up and set down to the west,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi tower,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he is very afraid the dark,and never go to bed without a lamp. No,No.Ive seen a dragon boat hanging many lamps passed the black clouds,but Ive never seen your little bird.

Hi leaf,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he is some cripple to walk,and there is a red ribbon on his feet. No,No.Ive seen a red ribbon fluttering on the highest branch of the woods,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi snowman,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.his breast is as white as a snowflake,and as warm as our home. No,No.Ive seen a couple of mole taking the tea under the snowground,but Ive never seen your little bird. Hi big bird,have you seen my little bird?hes very very little.he looks just like you.But he is not as strong as you. Ive never seen any bird except the reflex on the ice,Do you see it?Yes,Im just your little bird.
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