主頁 類別 寓言童話 寄往遠方的藍煙火

第5章 大蘿蔔

寄往遠方的藍煙火 漪然 4029 2018-03-22
在一片綠油油的菜地裡,長著一個大蘿蔔和一個小蘿蔔。 大蘿蔔總是很高興,牠喜歡和路過菜地的鳥兒打招呼,頭頂的葉子擺來擺去,那意思就是:“看,我多漂亮!我是世界上最大的大蘿蔔!” 小蘿蔔總是把腦袋深深地埋在泥巴里,牠喜歡想心思,從白天想到晚上,它一直在想的就是:“為什麼我總是這麼小呢?” 後來,大蘿蔔就被農夫從菜地裡挖了出來,帶回了家。小蘿蔔呢,它太不起眼了,就被留在了地裡。 一群小螞蟻爬過來,它們沒有看到埋在地裡的小蘿蔔,就又爬到掛著露珠的苜蓿花下去了。 小蘿蔔想,我要再長大一點就好了,再長大一點,那群螞蟻就能看到我了。於是,它真的就長大了一點。 一個綠蚱蜢跳過來,它沒有看到已經長大的小蘿蔔,就又跳到開著黃花的絲瓜架下去了。

小蘿蔔想,我要再長大一點就好了,再長大一點,那個蚱蜢就能看到我了。於是,它真的又長大了一點。 一隻小白兔蹦過來,它沒有看到已經長大的小蘿蔔,就又急匆匆地蹦到陽光燦爛的西瓜地裡去了。 小蘿蔔想,我要再長大一點就好了,再長大一點,那隻兔子就能看到我了。於是,它真的又長大了一點。 一頭山羊走過來,它沒有看到已經長大的小蘿蔔,就又慢悠悠地走到罩著晚霞的南山坡上去了。 小蘿蔔想,我要再長大一點就好了,再長大一點,那頭山羊就能看到我了。於是,它真的又長大了一點。 一排大雁飛過來,它們沒有看到已經長大的小蘿蔔,就又輕飄飄地飛到白帆點點的大海邊去了。 小蘿蔔想,我要再長大一點就好了,再長大一點,那些大雁就能看到我了。於是,它真的又長大了一點。

一顆流星劃過天邊,它沒有看到已經長大的小蘿蔔,就又亮晶晶地落到地球的另一頭去了。 小蘿蔔想,我要再長大一點就好了,再長大一點,所有的星星就都能看到我了。於是,它真的又長大了一點。 現在小蘿蔔已經長得很大很大了,大得沒有辦法在地面再待下去,於是,它只好抖了抖身上的土,離開地面,到宇宙裡去了。 它來到繁星閃耀的太空裡,在金星、木星、水星、火星、土星中間飄浮著,只覺得自己小得可憐。最讓它傷心的還是,沒有誰看過它一眼,從來也沒有誰,注意過它這個小小的小蘿蔔。 就在這時候,它看到,在那遙遠的大地上,有一點光亮正在快活地閃動——原來,是一個農夫的孩子,正提著一盞用大蘿蔔做成的蘿蔔燈,高高興興地走在回家的路上。那個蘿蔔燈發出黃澄澄的光芒,向著小蘿蔔微微地笑,就好像是在說:“看,你還認得我嗎?我就是世界上最大的大蘿蔔呀!”

小蘿蔔和大蘿蔔,遙遙對望著。這時候,提蘿蔔燈的孩子也看到天上的小蘿蔔了,他興沖沖地朝家門口跑去,一邊跑一邊叫:“媽媽,媽媽,天上也有一個蘿蔔燈呀!” 媽媽抬起頭,靜靜地瞧了一會兒,然後,笑著對孩子說:“你呀,看錯了,那不是蘿蔔,那是一個月亮。” 那天晚上,大蘿蔔和小蘿蔔發出的淡淡光亮,一起落在深夜掛著秋霜的農家小院裡。孩子看看大蘿蔔,又看看小蘿蔔,看著,看著,就甜甜地入了夢鄉。 In a green garden,there is a big turnip and a small turnip. The big turnip is always happy.It like to salute to the birds passing the garden with waving his leaves,it means:look at me!How pretty I am!Im the bigest turnip all over the world!

The small turnip is always downcast in the earth.It like to think about the questions from day to night.It always want to know:Why am I so small for all the time? By and by,the farmer digged the big turnip from the garden and taking it to home.How about the small turnip? Oh,its too small to be seen,so it be leaved in the earth at the garden.

A group of ants creep to here.They dont see the small turnip in the earth,and soon creeping down the clover flower with dews. The small turnip think,If I could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,these ants would give me a look.So,it really grows up a bit. A green grasshopper jumps to here.He dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon jumping upto the luffa trellis with blossom.

The small turnip think,If I could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,that grasshopper would give me a look.So,it really grows up a bit again. A white hare skips to here.He dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon skiping into the watermelon field with the sunshine. The small turnip think,If I could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,that hare would give me a look.So,it really grows up a bit again.

A wild goat walks to here.He dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon walking onto the south mountain with the afterglow. The small turnip think,If I could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,that goat would give me a look.So,it really grows up a bit again. A row of geese fly to here.they dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon flying to the sea beach with the white sails.

The small turnip think,If I could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,those geese would give me a look.So,it really grows up a bit again. A star gose across the sky.It dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon going to the other end of the earth with a light. The small turnip think,If I could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,all stars would give me a look.So,it really grows up a bit again.

Now,the small turnip has growed up too big to stay on the ground.So,it has got to leave here,and with a shaking to get away the earth,it rise up from the small garden to the big universe. It come to the space of all stars.It float among the Venus,the Jupiter,the mercury,the Mars,the Saturn,and just feeling ill for its poor small body.It is the most miserable case that no one ever look at it,not a glimpse to the very very small turnip.

Just then,a bit of light is winking to it from the far off land.Its a turnip lamp,waving on the hand of a farmers son.The boy is going home with a happy smile,and his lamp is shining yellow light with a happy smile too.It seems to talk to the small turnip,Look at me!Do you remember me?Im the bigest turnip all over the world! The big turnip and the small turnip look at each other.And now,the boy is also looking at the turnip in the blue air.He run to his home with a exciting voice,mum,mum,there is a turnip lamp in the sky too! His mother lift head and has a watch.Then,she talk to the boy with a smile,My son,you mistake it,it is not a turnip,its a moon. At that night, The big turnip and the small turnip light together in the frost farmyard.Sometimes the boy has a look at the big turnip,and sometimes he has a look at the small turnip.He looks and looks,and with a sweet smile he falls into dream.
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