主頁 類別 科普學習 美麗的英語

第13章 第二部分:從漢語到英語打碎玻璃天花板

美麗的英語 张海迪 6946 2018-03-20
Breaking through the Glass Ceilings 打碎玻璃天花板 我的朋友C總是對我說,他覺得英語裡最難的學的是那些短語(phrase)、成語(idiom)和俚語(slang)。他學英語已經很久了,這些年單詞記了一大堆,就連托福(TOEFL)詞彙,GRE詞彙手冊幾乎都背過了,可是讀書讀報時遇到一些成語,卻還是常常被絆住。 C說,他在與人交談時就盡量不用成語,而是找一種別的方式代替成語的意思。用他的話說,就是繞一個彎,用一個解釋成語的長句子代替最簡練的成語。我對他說,我也常常遇到這樣的情況。 英語的短語、成語和俚語數量實在太大了,一個動詞就可以引出十幾個、甚至幾十個短語和成語,比如,do, get, go, make, put, take這樣的動詞,都可以引出幾十個詞組(成語),還有大量的名詞、介詞、副詞,都可以和別的詞一起組成成語,比如:名詞ground就能組成下面這麼多詞組:

break ground 破土動工(修建) break new (fresh) ground 創新 common ground 共同的基礎、看法、興趣、利害等 cover (the ) ground (交談)涉及了……方面 cut the ground from under 使失敗,破壞其計劃 fall (be dashed) to the ground (計劃)失敗,(希望)被粉碎 gain ground 取得進展,情況好轉,(謠言)有了市場 get off the ground 取得初步進展或成功 have (keep) one's feet on the ground 腳踏實地,實實在在地

lose ground 後退,失利,情況惡化,力量變弱,失去支持者 stand (hold) one's ground 不肯後退,堅持不認錯 suit one down to the ground 正合某人需要 這樣看來,要記住大量的成語,確實是很困難的。不僅如此,由於成語是人們在長期的使用中“習慣成自然”而形成的,其中就滲透著歷史和文化的內涵,在特定的環境中才有意義。所以,我從不敢盲目地使用成語,更不敢望文生義,總是擔心用不好就會鬧出笑話。比如,下面這段對話裡,就用了好幾個成語: A: I'm furious with John! He's always late.

(我對約翰真是煩透了!他總是遲到。) B: Always? Why don't you talk it over with him? Encourage him to be on time. (總是遲到?你為什麼不跟他好好談一談?鼓勵他遵守時間。) A: Look! I've talked till I'm blue in the face. It's out of the question. (瞧!我已經說得嘴皮都磨破了,可是不管用。) B: There must be something you can do. (你一定能做點什麼的。)

A: I doubt it. Last night we went to a concert. Do you know what time we got there? Just in time to go out for the intermission! (我不信。昨天晚上我們去聽音樂會。你知道我們是什麼時候才到的嗎?我們正趕上幕間休息!) B: I guess you're just wasting your breath then. Time means nothing to John. (我想你是白費勁兒了。時間對約翰來說是無所謂的。) 在這段對話裡,黑體字標出的都是成語。其中:

talk something over指的是discuss,比如: Tom talked his plan over with his father before he bought the car. (在買車之前,湯姆認真地同父親談了他的計劃。) on time指的是not before or late of the time arranged,比如說: The train left on time. (列車正點開走了。) till one is blue in the face不是說某個人的臉發紫了,而是說,until one can say no more in trying to convincing someone of something,比如:

Jane argued with Bill until she was blue in the face. (簡和比爾爭了起來,直到她氣急敗壞,無話可說。) in time to指的是be at a place at the right time to do something; soon enough,比如: We got to Washington in time for the cherry blossoms. (我們趕到華盛頓的時候,正值櫻桃開花。) out of the question指的是impossible; beyond consideration; unthinkable,比如說:

Your suggestion that we go swimming is out of the question; it's much too cold today. (你建議我們今天去游泳,這是不可能的,天太冷了。) waste one's breath 指的是speak uselessly, to no purpose: If you tell Jack not to go, you'll just be wasting your breath; he'll go anyway. (如果你告訴傑克不要去,那完全是白費口舌,他無論如何都要去的。)

我想,要記住並且能熟練地應用成語,關鍵在於勤學苦練,加強記憶。最主要的還是在於積累,通過大量的閱讀和其他形式的學習,比如進行讀和寫的訓練,把英語成語逐漸地變成自己的成語。要做到這點,就要在學習中把遇到的每一個成語的意思弄明白,只有理解了,才能記得牢。下面的一些成語並不難,我很喜歡,在給朋友寫信或者打電話時,順便說幾句也很有意思,比如: I know the answer, but I cant put my finger on it. (我知道答案,可我說不確切了。) I dont believe Sallys pregnant. Its just coffee talk, just gossip.

(我不相信薩莉懷孕了,那隻不過是瞎扯。) I'm a little ahead of time, I know, but it would be better to wait here rather than miss the train. (我想我來得稍早了一點,不過,就是在這兒等,也比趕不上火車好。) Kathy never has time to be bored. She's as busy as a bee from morning to night. (凱西從沒有時間煩惱。她從早到晚像蜜蜂一樣忙個不停。) I like to live here because people here call a spade a spade, and they have a sense of humor.

(我喜歡住在這兒,因為這兒的人有什麼說什麼,他們也有幽默感。) Carol James had done her homework before the tour started, and she knew where to go. (卡羅爾?詹姆斯在旅行開始前就已經作了充分的準備,她知道要去哪兒。) A silver-tongued salesman sold me this car, but I cant drive! (一個能說會道的推銷員賣給我這輛車,可我不會開車!) You'd better get your things together. There's no time to lose. (你最好把東西收拾一下,沒有多少時間了。) The movie stars always wanted to be in the spotlight. (電影明星總想成為人們矚目的中心。) He sailed through his examinations and graduated at the top of his class. (他一帆風順地通過了考試,以全班第一名的成績畢業。) He talked my ear off all afternoon but didn't really say a thing. (他整整一下午把我的耳朵都說出繭子來了,可實際上一句有用的話也沒說。) He doesn't know what he's talking about—why, he's all wet about the issue. (他不知道自己到底在說些什麼,因為他把事情全搞錯了。) 我覺得,比短語和成語更難掌握的是俚語(slang)和俗語(colloquial expression)。我從不以為俚語和俗語是老百姓的話,不登大雅之堂。其實,在正式的場合,人們說話的時候都挺胸直背,字斟句酌,而在日常生活中,俚語和俗語卻是經常使用的。俚俗語言源於人們的日常生活,聽起來親切自然,真實有趣,在日常交談中要是能恰如其分地使用俚語,說不定還會拉近人與人之間的距離,使交流變得更融洽和生動。 當然,俚語比起成語來或許更難理解,比如,有一次我收到美國芝加哥一個女性殘疾人康復中心寄來的雜誌Resourceful Women,在一篇論述殘疾婦女就業權利的文章裡,就有這樣一段話。 When you encounter such an unfair treatments and you think your rights are harmed, and then circle your wagons. 我怎麼也想不明白這句話的意思,“circle your wagons”?為什麼要把車子圈起來呢?我查閱了能找到的所有成語詞典,卻還是沒明白為什麼要把車子圈起來。我只好給我的美國朋友Judi Rogers發e-mail,請她告訴我什麼是circle your wagons. Judi幾乎立刻就回復了我的信,她很詳細地作了解釋。原來,這是美國西部開發時期的一個用語。那時候,人們紛紛湧向西部去開發,向西行進的車隊浩浩蕩盪,但是行進中的車隊卻常常遭遇強盜的襲擾和搶劫,遇到這種情況,車隊的人們就把車子圍成一個圈,構成一個臨時工事,從裡向外射擊。 So “circle your wagons ” means to prepare a defense and counter-attack. 所以,上面這句話的意思是:當你遇到這種不公平的對待,你認為你的權利受到損害時,就要準備反擊。 還有,在一篇論述婦女職務升遷的文章裡,有這樣一句話,我也曾覺得很難理解。 Now, professional women do not always look at the glass ceilings. They try to break through it. (現在,職業婦女不再總是盯著玻璃天花板,她們試圖擊碎它。) 玻璃天花板是什麼?真的有用玻璃製成的天花板嗎?如果有,它對婦女在職業領域裡的升遷意味著什麼呢? 後來,也是Judi Rogers告訴我,glass ceilings具有像徵的意義。美國社會表面上宣揚男女平等,但是實際上,對女性的種種歧視和不平等卻無處不在。職業婦女在工作中很難得到職務提升的機會,雖然她們才華橫溢,能力很強,但她們與高級職務之間就像隔著玻璃天花板一樣,可望而不可及。儘管近年來美國有一些傑出女性進入了社會的高層,在大公司的CEO中,聲譽卓著的女性不乏其人,甚至還有個別的進入了政府的權力機構,但從總體上說,對女性的歧視和不平等仍然存在。最近的一期Resourceful Women上,有文章指出,針對婦女的家庭暴力(domestic violence)在增加,長期以來對殘疾女性的性歧視和性壓迫(sexual oppression)並沒有消除,很多殘疾女性開展了爭取生育權利(reproductive rights)的鬥爭。看來,glass ceilings在美國還會繼續存在下去。 glass ceilings不僅存在於社會和職業領域,在英語學習中不是同樣存在嗎?我們總是想學好英語,學了很多教材,背單詞,記語法,聽磁帶,寫作文,考等級,可結果卻還是和自己的期望有很大差距,我們與美麗的夢想之間好像總是隔著一層玻璃天花板,什麼時候才能breaking through the glass ceilings,讓我們的英語得心應手呢? 成語和俚語固然能使交流變得生動活潑,可是,如果學得不精,或者不求甚解,甚至望文生義,也許就會引起誤解。記得有一次,我和德國萊比錫大學的朋友恩斯特?弗里德里希在網上聊天,我們談到了“the meaning of life”這個話題,我們談論了一個晚上: ………… Haidi: As to the meaning of life, I agree with Rousseau, Gandhi and Einstein, ie, the meaning of life is to love, help and serve other people. I believe this will be agreed to by most of the people. (海迪:講到生命的意義,我同意盧梭、甘地和愛因斯坦的看法,也就是說,生命的意義是愛他人,幫助他人,為他人服務。我相信大多數人也會同意這一看法。) Ernst: Except me. I consider that Freud, Kafka and Sartre were right. They claimed that the human life is meaningless, because life and death are all natural processes, and Freud even advocated that life and death were all instincts of human beings. (恩斯特:我不在其中。我認為弗洛伊德、卡夫卡和薩特是對的。他們聲稱,人的生命是沒有意義的,因為生和死是自然的過程,弗洛伊德甚至鼓吹生和死都是人的本能。) Haidi: As advanced and well evolved creatures, human beings are not merely natural, they are also (and more important) rational. They have their views of the world, of the universe, and on this basis, they build their own ideals. (海迪:作為高等的、充分進化的生物,人類不僅僅是自然的,同時也是(而且更重要的是)理性的生物。他們有自己的世界觀、宇宙觀,並在此基礎上建立了自己的理想。) Ernst: The ideals of human beings are all mixed up, and have never been realized. From the primitive society to the contemporary world, all their ideals, no matter how beautiful and persuasive they had been, perished in the merciless wars. So, talking about the meaning of life is nonsense. (恩斯特:人類的理想都是混雜的,並且從來也沒有實現過。從原始社會到當代世界,他們的所有理想,不論多麼美妙和誘人,都在殘酷的戰爭中消失了。所以,談論生命的意義是愚蠢的。) Haidi: What you've said is perhaps of some sense, but since the new century has begun, it turns over a new leaf for human society. (海迪:你所說的也許有某些道理,但是自從新世紀開始以來,人類社會已經翻開了新的一頁。) Ernst: Not any sense of new, I'm afraid. I would rather be in the old times, because all things are more familiar and customized. (恩斯特:恐怕沒有什麼新意可言。我寧願呆在舊時代裡,因為舊時代的一切都是熟悉的,也更習慣。) Haid: Oh, sorry. I have a phone call. Let us stop here, but I'll stick to my guns. (海迪:哦,對不起,來電話了。我們就聊到這兒吧,但是我將會stick to my guns.) Ernst: What? You'll stick your guns at me? Fortunately I'm online, otherwise… (恩斯特:什麼?你要把你的槍對著我!幸虧我是在網上,不然……) Haidi: Ha…ha…ha! I know you've misunderstood me. “I'll stick to my guns” means I'll hold on to my views. (海迪:哈哈哈!我知道你會誤解我的話。“I'll stick to my guns”,意思是說,我將堅持我的觀點。) Ernst: Ah…Well, I'll stick to my guns too… (恩斯特:啊——好吧,那我也stick to my guns!) 那一會兒我曾想,真正學好用好英語的成語、俚語等習慣用法其實不容易,與人交流是生活中必不可少的,要做到與英語國家的人,或是使用英語的人之間的真正理解,準確地掌握和使用語言是最重要的。而短語、成語和俚語就像英語這道大餐中味美可口的佐料,用的時候千萬要放得適當啊!
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