主頁 類別 詩歌戲曲 布雷克詩選

第29章 有毒的樹

布雷克詩選 威廉·布雷克 505 2018-03-20
我對朋友憤怒 我表明憤怒怒氣就沒了 我對敵人憤怒 我不予表露這怒氣長著 我提心吊膽將它澆灌 日夜澆灌著淚滴 我用微笑來將它照耀 用軟軟的狡詐的詭計 它日日夜夜地生長 終於結出了鮮亮的蘋果 我的敵人看到它閃光 他知道那蘋果屬於我 當夜色將數身遮掩 他就溜進園子裡偷食 早晨我高興地看到 我的敵人在樹下挺屍 I was angry with my friend I told my wrath, my wrath did end I was angry with my foe I told not, my wrath did grow And I waterd it in fears

Night & morning with my tears And I sunned it with smiles And with soft deceitful wiles And it grew both day and night Till it bore an apple bright And my foe beheld it shine And he knew that it was mine And into my garden stole When the night had veild the pole In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretchd beneath the tree
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