主頁 類別 詩歌戲曲 布雷克詩選

第14章 人之抽象布雷克張熾恆譯

布雷克詩選 威廉·布雷克 788 2018-03-20
再也不會存在仁慈 若大家像我們一樣幸福 同樣也不會有憐憫存在 如果不使有的人窮苦 彼此間的恐懼產生和睦 一直到自私的愛增長 於是殘忍就編織羅網 細心地將誘餌播撒散佈 他懷著無比的敬畏坐下 用他的淚水澆灌大地 於是謙卑就在他腳下 伸出了它糾結的根鬚 不久他的頭頂上方 便佈下了神秘的暗影 而對於那些毛蟲和蒼蠅 神秘正是他們的食糧 它終於結出欺詐之果 紅艷香甜無比可口 渡鴨用那濃濃的樹蔭 將他的巢穴造就 陸上和海裡諸多神明 尋遍自然尋找此樹 但他們只是枉尋一場 人腦之中長著一株 Pity would be no more. If we did not make somebody Pooe.

And Mercy no more could be. If all were as happy as we; And mutual fear brings peace; Till the selfsh loves increase. Then Cruelty knits a snare, And spreads his baits with care. He sits down with holy fears, And waters the ground with tears: Then Humility takes its root Underneath his foot.

Soon spreads the dismal shade Of Myystery over his head; And the Catterpiller and Fly, Feed on the Mystery. And it bears the fruit of Deceit, Ruddy and sweet to eat; And the Raven his nest has made In its thickest shade. The Gods of the earth and sea Sought thro Nature to find this Tree,

But their search was all in vain: There grows one in the Human Brain.
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