主頁 類別 雜文隨筆 紀伯倫散文-流浪者

第52章 另一個流浪者

紀伯倫散文-流浪者 纪伯伦 938 2018-03-18
有一次,我遇到了另一個流浪者。他也有點兒瘋瘋癲癲的,他對我如是說:"我是一個流浪者。我時常覺得,我行走於塵世林儒之間。因為我的腦袋同地面的距離較之他們的腦袋同地面的距離,還要高出一百英尺光景,所以我的腦袋創造出更高更自由的思想。 "然而,說實在的,我並不是行走在他們之間,而是行走在他們之上,他們所能見的,不過是我在他們的開闊的田野裡留下的足印而已。 "我時常聽到他們在討論我的足印,為我的足印的形狀和大小而爭論不休。因為有些人說:那些是遠古時期猛媽在大地上浪游的腳印。而另外一些人說:非也,那些是隕石從遙遠星球上落到地面上的遺跡。"然而,我的朋友,你卻完全明白,它們不過是一個流浪者的足印罷了。 "

The Other Wanderer Once on a time I met another man of the roads. He too was a little mad, and thus spoke to me: "I am a wanderer. Oftentimes it seems that I walk the earth among pygmies. And because my head is seventy cubits farther from the earth than theirs, it creates higher and freer thoughts.

"But in truth I walk not among men but above them, and all they can see of me is my footprints in their open fields. "And often have I heard them discuss and disagree over the shape and size of my footprints. For there are some who say, These are the tracks of a mammoth that roamed the earth in the far past. And others say, Nay, these are places where meteors have fallen from the distant stars.

"But you, my friend, you know full well that they are naught save the footprints of a wanderer."
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