主頁 類別 雜文隨筆 紀伯倫散文-流浪者

第50章 大河

紀伯倫散文-流浪者 纪伯伦 1348 2018-03-18
在大河奔流的卡迪沙流域,兩條小溪相會交談。 一條小溪說:"我的朋友,你怎麼流過來的,你流過的途徑如何?"另一條小溪答道:"我的途徑是最難走的了。磨坊的水輪壞死了,經常把我從渠道裡引導到他的農作物;那兒去的農民死了。我排除著人們的污穢,掙扎著流將下來;那些人啥也不干,只是懶洋洋地曬太陽。不過,我的兄弟,你流過的途徑又如何呢?"第一條小溪答道:"我的途徑截然不同。我從山上芬芳花卉和靦腆楊柳之間流將下來,男男女女用銀杯喝水,小孩兒們用玫瑰紅的小腳在溪邊戲水,我的周圍都是歡笑聲,還有甜蜜的歌聲,你的途徑竟那本不愉快,真是遺憾。" 這時候,大河用洪亮的聲音說道:"流進來吧,流進來吧,咱們要奔流到海裡。流進來吧,流進來吧,別多言多語了。現在跟我合流吧。咱們要奔流到海裡。流進來吧,流進來吧,因為你們一進人我的河床,就會把你們的流浪忘掉了,不論它是苦是樂。流進來吧,流進來吧。一旦咱們到達咱們的母親——大海——的心裡,你們和我就會把咱們流過的途徑都忘掉了。"

The River In the valley of Kadisha where the mighty river flows, two little streams met and spoke to one another. One stream said, "How came you, my friend, and how was your path?" And the other answered, "My path was most encumbered. The wheel of the mill was broken, and the master farmer who used to conduct me from my channel to his plants, is dead. I struggled down oozing with the filth of laziness in the sun. But how was your path, my brother?"

And the other stream answered and said, "Mine was a different path. I came down the hills among fragrant flowers and shy willows; men and women drank of me with silvery cups, and little children paddled their rosy feet at my edges, and there was laughter all about me, and there were sweet songs. What a pity that your path was not so happy."

At that moment the river spoke with a loud voice and said, "Come in, come in, we are going to the sea. Come in, come in, speak no more. Be with me now. We are going to the sea. Come in, come in, for in me you shall forget you wanderings, sad or gay. Come in, come in. And you and I will forget all our ways when we reach the heart of our mother the sea."

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