主頁 類別 雜文隨筆 紀伯倫散文-流浪者

第17章 舞蹈家

紀伯倫散文-流浪者 纪伯伦 1144 2018-03-18
從前,有個舞蹈家,帶著她的音樂師,來到別爾卡沙的王子的宮廷。她被准許入宮,她就按著詩琴、長笛和齊特拉琴的音樂,在王子的面前跳起舞來。 她跳著火焰的舞蹈,劍和矛的舞蹈;她跳著繁星之舞和宇宙空間之舞;然後她又跳著風中花齊之舞。 跳罷了舞,她站在王子的寶座之前,向王子鞠躬致意。王子吩咐她站得近一些,然後對她說道:"美麗的婦人,優雅和賞心悅目的女兒,你的舞藝究竟學自何方?你是怎樣以你的節奏和你的韻律,駕馭一切自然力的?"舞蹈家再次向王子鞠躬致意,然後回答道:"偉大而仁慈的王子殿下,我不曉得怎樣答复你的垂詢,我只知道這一點:哲學家的靈魂居住在他的頭腦裡,詩人的靈魂深藏在他的內心裡,歌唱家的靈魂迴盪在他的喉嚨裡,可是,舞蹈家的靈魂流貫於她的全身。"

The Dancer Once there came to the court of the Prince of Birkasha a dancer with her musicians. And she was admitted to the court, and she danced before the prince to the music the lute and the flute and the zither. She danced the dance of flames, and the dance of swords and spears; she danced the dance of stars and the dance of space. And then she danced the dance of flowers in the wind.

After this she stood before the throne of the prince and bowed her body before him. And the prince bade her to come nearer, and he said unto her, "Beautiful woman, daughter of grace and delight, whence comes your art? And how is it that you command all the elements in your rhythms and your rhymes?"

And the dancer bowed again before the prince, and she answered, "Mighty and gracious Majesty, I know not the answer to your questionings. Only this I know: The philosophers soul dwells in his head, the poets soul is in the heart; the singers soul lingers about his throat, but the soul of the dancer abides in all her body."

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