主頁 類別 雜文隨筆 紀伯倫散文-流浪者

第8章 閃電(The Lightning Flash)

紀伯倫散文-流浪者 纪伯伦 674 2018-03-18
在一個大雷雨的日子裡,有個基督教的主教在他的大教堂裡。來了一個並非基督徒的女人,站在他的面前,問道:"我不是基督徒。我能否得救,免受地獄之火的燒灼?"主教瞧瞧那女人,答复她道:"不,只有那些受過聖水和聖靈的施洗禮的人們,才能得到拯救。" 就在主教說話的剎那之間,一個霹靂從天上轟隆打將下來,打在大教堂上,大教堂裡到處烈火熊熊。 城裡的人們紛紛跑來了,他們救出了那個女人,而主教卻被大火吞滅,化為灰燼了。 The Lightning Flash There was a Christian bishop in his cathedral on a stormy day, and an un-Christian woman came and stood before him, and she said, "I am not a Christian. Is there salvation for me from hell-fire?"

And the bishop looked upon the woman, and he answered her saying, "Nay, there is salvation for those only who are baptized of water and of the spirit." And even as he spoke a bolt from the sky fell with thunder upon the cathedral and it was filled with fire. And the men of the city came running, and they saved the woman, but the bishop was consumed, food of the fire.

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