主頁 類別 雜文隨筆 我讀書少,你可別騙我

第16章 第四節西天

一條如琴弦般筆直的大路直向西方,左右都是無邊開闊的曠野,兩側各式各樣的奇怪植物伸卷延伸,如同層層疊疊的觀眾簇擁過來。 整條大路只有一輛白色的SUV在不緊不慢地奔馳,邊緣被餘暉勾勒成一層金黃色的光芒。遠處的地平線盡頭,一輪落日正徐徐沒入大地,繁星已模糊地在天幕出現。此時的太陽已經收斂了白晝的輝煌,淡化成一個奇妙的半圓,宛若天國大門的球形把手。 “開車好無聊啊,好想听歌。”車裡一個聲音響起來。 “什麼都好,別放高老莊的就行,會消化不良的。”第二個懶散的聲音回答。 “老子要殺了你!”第三個聲音暴怒,“快來幫忙!”“是,老大……”第四個聲音始終保持著平靜。 經過一番驚天動地的折騰,SUV的音響終於響起,這是一首《GO West》的電子音樂,高亢開朗的旋律充斥在整個車廂、整個大路和整片天空之上:

Come on,come on,come on,come on We will go our way We will leave someday Your hand in my hands We will make our plans We will fly so high Tell all our friends goodbye We will start life new This is what We'll do Life is peaceful there Go West,in the open air Go West,Where the skies are blue Go West,this is what we're gonna do Go West,this is what we're gonna do,Go West We will love the beach We will learn and teach Change our pace of life We will work and strive I love you,I know you love me I want you,how could I disagree?

So That's why I make no protest When you say,you will do the rest Go West,life is peaceful there Go West,in the open air Go West,baby you and me Go West,this is our destiny(Aah) Go West,sun in wintertime Go West,we will do just fine Go West,where the skies are blueGo West,this is what we're gonna do.

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