主頁 類別 雜文隨筆 我的30個工作天:《桃姐》拍攝日記



  • 雜文隨筆

  • 1970-01-01發表
  • 14253

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第1章 序言

To write about Andy Lan is difficult since so much has been written about him, I would just like to cite a scene to illustrate my impression of Andy: We were dubbing the mandarin for "A Simple Life", everyone was against Andy's doing the dubbing himself. We settled on first asking a dubbing aritist to do it, and then Andy could try one of his own later. I objected to his doing it because I was worried about the perfection of his mandarin, about how he could get back into character after a four months break,also about only having tow 8-hour sessions he gave us and there was a lot of dialogue. He did it(in one session), and he conquered, like Julius Caesar.How? We were supposed to start the session at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, right after he arrived on the plane to about 12 am and resume again the next day. But he did it so fast, and so well, inventing some dialogue on the way but all in sync that we were cheering him on and laughing all the way. By midnight we were all pretty zonked out and thought to continue the next day. We asked Andy "should we continue tomorrow?" By that time we finished three-quarters already. He said no he'd rather continue and finish the same day. We kept asking him whether he was tired. Actually we were tired ourselves. Finally he finished at 3 am with all of us falling all over the place, in hilarious defeat.

What does the episode say about Andy? a)that he is really very good as an artist b)that he can work harder than the rest c)that he can multitask:he can go from one project to another full-steam without a break d)that he does not quarrel but demonstrate by fact that he is right. So,by being so bright and hardworking himself,he is of course a tough master. But working for him is also wonderful because he does not doubt once he has started something. And when he chooses to trust is complete.I can say that in the shooting of "A Simple Life" his trust in me is even stronger than my trust in myself. He also has a soft spot for people and appreciate them sincerely - as is so amply borne out by his observations on the cast and crew in this book. Enjoy reading it, but don't for a moment believe he is just so soft!

(編者譯) 要寫劉德華並不容易,因為有關華仔的文章早已汗牛充棟。 我索性舉一事例表達我對華仔的感受。華仔有意為電影《桃姐》內地版親自配音,其實大家都有所保留,最終敲定先由專業配音演員為他聲演,容後再讓華仔試配好了;我自己就頗反對由華仔來配,主要擔心他的普通話口音始終跟內地的標準有點距離,而配音時已是電影拍攝後四個月,要重投戲裡角色得花點功夫,而華仔又只能騰出兩組8小時的檔期為對白滿滿的配音,實在都是挑戰。 華仔如期到北京配音,就在第一個檔期,他竟完成了——就如此戰無不勝的戰神!怎麼可能? !我們安排好華仔當天中午下飛機,下午3至4時開始配音,預計配到當晚12時收工,然後明天再續。華仔的進度竟出奇地快、還出奇地好,他往往能在原有對白上適時地作修飾,而不失劇情原意之餘又配合口形,總叫我們拍案叫絕。工作至午夜,在場的工作人員都困態漸呈,進度已比原定的超額完成了四分之三,可以到此為止,翌日再續,就看華仔的意思了,他寧願即日做好,到家都再三關心他是否太累,其實倦死的是我們!終於在凌晨3時全部配好,我們雖然都累透了,卻人人嘖嘖稱奇地為他喝彩!

這事例說明什麼? 一、華仔毋容置疑是一位出色藝人; 二、他勤奮過人; 三、他一心多用,能同時兼顧多項工作而又能全請投入; 四、他不作無畏爭辯,能用行動證明一切。 華仔有過人天賦,又如此勤奮,自然也是一位要求嚴格的老闆;但跟他共事是十分美妙的。他決定了做一件事,絕不左搖右晃;他信任一個人,會信任到底。拍攝《桃姐》,華仔給我的信任,比我的自信還要強哩!華仔當然也有待人親和的一面,在這書裡你會看到他凡事觀察入微,對人關懷備至,讀者可以慢慢仔細體味,但不要以為跟他合作就是這樣輕鬆平常才好。
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